
Is it worth getting a hair transplant in Turkey?

What is alopecia

Alopecia is a pathological process that disrupts the synchronicity of hair growth and loss. It leads to baldness of certain areas of the head. Many consider it a cosmetic defect that reduces the quality of life. Alopecia occurs in men and women. But most often, it is the representatives of the stronger sex who face this problem; hair falls out under the influence of excess testosterone. Methods of combating baldness



There are different methods of combating baldness – from taking pills and special shampoos to mesotherapy and injections.

  1. Shampoos and conditioners do not work, the most they do is smooth out the strands.
  2. Tablets improve tests and possibly other indicators of the body, strengthen the hair follicles, but in fact, alopecia does not go away from them.
  3. Mesotherapy consists of 10-12 procedures of unpleasant injections. The effect is not very noticeable, it only allows you to slow down the process a little.
  4. With age-related hair loss, drugs are often prescribed to stop the pathological process. The main one is Minoxidil. It can be administered as injections. It is considered safe, since it works on the following principle: when it gets on the skin, it improves circulation and dilates blood vessels, thus “waking up” dormant follicles. Hair begins to fall out even more intensely, but new ones grow in their place. But transplantologists are of the opinion that this drug is, on the contrary, dangerous in the long term, and do not recommend using it.

No matter how much scientists around the world try to find a “miracle pill” for alopecia, the only effective method is transplantation.

Turkish clinics have reached the finish line in this matter and offer hair transplantation without pain and side effects. A person comes to Turkey, on a so-called vacation, and in 3-4 days becomes completely different. The problem with alopecia is solved once and for all. An important advantage is anonymity. No one will know about the procedure.

The main reasons for building up

The reasons for hair extensions on the head are different for everyone. Some people experience 100% hair loss, other patients lose it partially, but ultimately it is noticeable to the naked eye.

  • Scarring alopecia is irreversible hair loss due to the total destruction of follicles. This condition is caused by atrophic and inflammatory processes.
  • Non-scarring alopecia. Follicles can be destroyed evenly, forming bald spots and “cutting” foci.
  • Androgenetic alopecia is caused by the negative influence of hormones. A common type of baldness in men, women are less likely to experience it.

Hair transplantation in Turkey will solve any of the above problems. If you have any questions, you should sign up for a consultation.

Modern methods of hair transplantation

People who are faced with alopecia want to know everything about hair transplantation. There are 2 main methods of transplantation – Strip (FUT) and FUE.

FUT – Follicular Unit Transplantation

The strip method of hair transplantation is based on the extraction of hair follicles from the zone of constant growth, most often from the side or back of the head and transplantation to the recipient area. Its essence is embedded in the name itself, “strip” is translated as a strip.

  1. Strips of skin containing hair follicles are removed from the donor area.
  2. Cut into small parts (grafts).
  3. Transplanted to the balding area, making small incisions with a scalpel.

The transplanted hair grows naturally, as the follicles are transplanted, each containing 1 to 4 hairs. The procedure is painless, which is an important condition of the protocol. In the postoperative period, slight discomfort is possible, but the problem is solved by taking an anesthetic. The donor area is covered with an invisible scar, which can only be detected by specialists under close examination. This method is practically not used in Turkey, as it is more traumatic.

Combined method (FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction)

пересадка волос в Турции

Turkish specialists use the most effective hair transplant method FUE. The main difference from FUT is that the transplant is performed without surgery, scars and pain.

FUE is one of the most popular transplant methods today. It was developed in 2000 and is successfully practiced by doctors in Turkey. It is performed without using a scalpel. The innovative technique allows for the extraction of hair follicles without surgery. An implanter needle of 0.70-0.80 and 0.90 mm is used, eliminating the need for incisions in the donor area. The doctor is able to extract more grafts, which has a positive effect on the density of the future hairstyle.

Hair transplantation by the FUE method is performed using a special ultra-thin needle (micropunch). The surgeon immerses the follicle to the desired depth, at a certain angle, without incisions. Thanks to FUE transplantation, it is possible to achieve natural density, the hairstyle looks more attractive. Since the procedure is performed without incisions, the patient recovers quickly. The duration of the procedure is 6-8 hours. The doctor performs almost jewelry work.



Персадака волос в Турции
  1. Painlessness. No surgery, stitches or complications.
  2. High efficiency. After the first procedure, you can achieve impressive density – up to 80 hairs per 1 cm². When repeated, this figure almost doubles.
  3. Permanent results. The question of whether transplanted hair falls out is of interest to almost all patients. No, they take root perfectly and grow in a new place. The exception is cases when hair loss does not depend on the transplant – stress, radiation, etc.

FUE transplantation can be performed using the DHI method. The difference is in the use of a special Implanter Pen (another name is the Choi pen). The method has its advantages and disadvantages. Only a doctor can determine whether it is worth using in a particular case. The peculiarity is that it is impossible to transplant a large amount of hair at once using the Choi pen. The essence of using the Implanter Pen is to combine the punching of channels in the donor area with the transplantation of the extracted follicles. The design of the device resembles a regular pen with a hollow needle attached to a tube with a piston.


Non-surgical method (HFE – Hand Follicular Extraction)

In different clinics the same transplantation methods are called differently. A striking example of this is the HFE method of hair transplantation and FUE. Their essence is identical. The name HFE was introduced by one of the clinics in Russia exclusively for marketing purposes. This is one of the names of the FUE method. Nothing more.

Interesting: In Turkey, they also practice an organic method of transplantation. This is a hair transplant using injections of the patient’s own stem cells. The biomaterial is extracted from fat cells and injected into the transplant area using special tools. There is no need to inject chemical compounds; healthy hair grows from the first day.

Why is it worth doing a transplant in Turkey?

трансплантация волос в турции

Many people decide to have hair transplantation in Turkey, this is due to a number of advantages

  1. Cost. This figure is significantly lower than in the home country of most patients. The cost includes 3 days of hotel accommodation, stay in Istanbul, everything except the flight.
  2. 100% result. Having gone to Turkey, a person returns home with a result. The clinics employ the best specialists using proven innovative methods.
  3. Comfort. Hair implantation in Turkey is convenient, all doctors are in one clinic, you do not need to “knock on doors” to take tests, get a consultation, find the best specialist in your city.
  4. Proven methods. The non-surgical FUE transplant method is one of the best and it is successfully practiced.

Anyone considering the procedure should sign up for a consultation, which can be done online.

Frequently asked questions about hair implantation

Before going to Turkey, every person has quite logical questions. It is interesting to know everything about hair transplantation.

Is it worth getting a hair transplant?

Definitely yes, if a person has encountered such unpleasant phenomena as alopecia. The procedure is effective for various indications and allows to completely eliminate the cosmetic defect. The FUE method of hair transplantation is the only way to return luxurious hair without pain and side effects. No injections, pills or masks can compare with the results after transplantation. Hair growth continues naturally.

Do transplanted hairs fall out?

FUE hair extension is an effective procedure. Hair does not fall out, since the material is taken from the back of the head and sides, which are not prone to alopecia. The surgeon maintains the distance between the removed grafts, so the density of the donor area does not suffer. The transplanted hair remains on the patient’s head forever!

How much does a transplant cost on average?

The price of hair transplantation in Turkey depends on the clinic, the chosen method, additional procedures. Implantation by the FUE method is cheaper than organic transplantation, the average cost is 1500-1600 dollars. The price range for FUE methods, including the DHI method, is from 1500 to 2300 dollars.

Is hair transplant effective?

The procedure allows you to forget about hair loss forever, so it is very important to choose the right clinic. Together with the chief surgeon, the patient selects the most effective hair transplant method. Effective hair transplantation on the head depends on many factors.

  • the presence of a donor area in the patient;
  • a ​​correctly selected transplant technique;
  • an experienced team of doctors who will transplant the required number of grafts without damaging the donor area and their hair.

We offer a review of a patient of the Hair Globalmedik clinic in Istanbul, who underwent a hair transplant using the FUE method in 2 stages with a difference of a year.


Is there an alternative to Turkish clinics?

Doctors in Turkey perform many hair transplant surgeries every day, making it the fastest growing medical tourism destination in the country. Alternatives can be found, but the cost will be higher. Prices in Turkey are relatively low due to high competition – there are many first-class specialists here.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Focus on a specific medical institution;
  • Make an appointment for a consultation and assess the level of professionalism;
  • Ask about the duration of the procedure, the recovery period, the methods used, and the cost;
  • Make sure there is Russian-speaking staff, since the language barrier creates inconveniences.
  • Read reviews, users often describe all the nuances of the procedure in them.

What is the hair growth after transplantation?

For 5-7 days, redness and a small amount of crusts are noticeable at the transplant site, which will peel off in 2-3 days. Recovery begins on the 10th day. It is not advisable to cut the hair on the back of the head (donor area) for a month.

  • A month after the transplant, the hair falls out, since the follicles have been stressed.
  • After 2-3 months, after the “shock loss”, the hair grows intensively.
  • At 6 months, about 60% of the transplanted follicles grow.
  • At 12 months, up to 90% of the follicles grow.
  • Full thickness and length appears after 18 months.

If a second transplant is required, it can be done no earlier than after 8 months.

How long have you been losing hair?

  • Less than a year ago
  • Up to 3 years
  • About 5 years
  • More than 5 years

Where is the baldness zone?

  • Front line, temples on the head
  • Top of the head
  • All over the head

Have you had a hair transplant before?

  • Yes
  • No

Have you already consulted with clinics in Turkey?

  • Yes
  • No

I want to have surgery in:

  • A month
  • 2-3 months
  • Six months
  • I don't know yet

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  • Call me
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Clinic DR. Cem Berkay SINACI

Clinic DR. Cem Berkay SINACI

years of international experience
Globalmedik rating

Dr. Cem Berkay Sinacı is a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

Experience in plastic surgery: +10 years

Dr. Cem Berkay Sinacı treats VIP patients from all over the world. Currently, he provides services in his own clinic. Thanks to his view on his field of specialization, patients from Turkey and Europe trust him with their bodies.

Dr. Cem Berkay Sinacı calls his profession a scientific art and his results a work of art that sets him apart from others. His priority is the comfort and safety of his patients, so he has developed unique plastic surgery techniques.

Since 2021, he has been providing services in his own clinic.




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