
What is Mentoplasty?

Few people are satisfied with the beauty given by nature. But while some are pondering whether it is worth changing something, others put themselves in order with the help of surgeons. Mentoplasty (the second name is genioplasty) allows you to correct the shape of the chin, because it significantly affects the overall perception of appearance. The lower part of the face can be too massive from birth, because it is genetically determined. Often the chin acquires an unattractive shape due to age-related changes, an unhealthy lifestyle. Regardless of the reason, chin plastic surgery will help change the situation.

Indications and contraindications

Chin plastic surgery will help in the following situations:

  • With an incorrect, beveled shape, asymmetry, insufficiently developed bone;
  • If a person is not satisfied with the shape and structure of the face;
  • Acquired or congenital deformation, injuries;
  • Double chin.

The procedure should be postponed in the case of the following pathologies:

  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Infectious and other diseases in the acute period;
  • Diabetes;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Age under 18, since when correcting unformed bones, the result may be unpredictable.

How to Prepare for Mentoplasty

Preparation for chin plastic surgery should begin with a visit to the surgeon. During the consultation, he will determine the indications, make calculations for the implants, tell you about the rehabilitation period and other nuances. In addition, it is necessary to take tests, undergo examinations if necessary. It is important to quit smoking and alcohol 2 weeks before and report taking medications. For smokers, rehabilitation requires a longer period. You should not worry about anesthesia, plastic surgery on the chin is performed under local anesthesia, which is comparable to a visit to the dentist.

Technique and types of mentoplasty

Chin correction surgery can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Corrective;
  • Reducing;
  • Increasing.
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For the first type, fillers with hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue are used. Weakened muscles are tightened, liposuction, mesotherapy are performed. The complex of procedures is selected individually.

Chin reduction

Parts of the bones are removed, after which they begin to close, and the lower half of the face acquires a more graceful shape. If necessary, the specialist does a skin tightening. Angelina Jolie once had a chin reduction operation. Looking at her photo, you can see the result of mentoplasty before and after.

Chin augmentation

To increase the size, correction is performed with implants. They can be silicone or made of cartilaginous tissue of the nose, auricle. That is why the procedure is sometimes called chin rhinoplasty. A bright representative of a good result is Jennifer Aniston. The implants are not noticeable to the eye, there are no scars or marks after the procedure.

Rehabilitation after surgery

The key to successful rehabilitation after chin mentoplasty is to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. During the first 24 hours, hospital conditions are necessary, which will allow monitoring the general condition of the person who has undergone surgery.

Important points during the recovery period:

  1. A fixing bandage is applied for 2 weeks.
  2. The first 7 days you need to eat liquid food, then gradually introduce dishes that need to be chewed.
  3. It is not recommended to eat too hard foods until complete healing.
  4. In the first month, you must give up sports and other activities.
  5. A high pillow will help minimize swelling.
  6. It is important not to forget about oral hygiene and the absence of bad habits.

Possible complications

The most common complications after the intervention include the following:

  • Wounds that begin to become inflamed;
  • Hematomas;
  • Keloid scars;
  • Impaired sensitivity;
  • Damage to the lower jaw;
  • Bone non-union.
  • To prevent the occurrence of pathologies, mentoplasty to reduce or enlarge the chin should be performed by an experienced surgeon.

Chin plastic surgery in Turkish clinics

For a new chin, it is worth going to Turkey. This is not only a country of sun and sea, but also highly qualified specialists. The result after mentoplasty lasts for 5-7 years, and sometimes for life, the patient does not experience discomfort and can fully enjoy a rejuvenated face of the correct shape – it all depends on the choice of technique. If your own fat tissue is used, the chin holds its shape for a year and a half. Turkey has excellent service and attractive prices. The country’s clinics hospitably open their doors to girls from all over the world. To see more results, just look at the photos on our Instagram.

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