
Istanbul Aesthetic Center

Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
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About the clinic

Istanbul Aesthetic Center guarantees the provision of medical services at the highest level, highly qualified specialists achieve the desired result with correctly selected methods, ensuring high patient satisfaction.

Why us?

Istanbul Aesthetic Center is a clinic of dentistry, aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. Specializes in:

  • liposuction
  • hair transplant
  • breast augmentation
  • rhinoplasty
  • brazilian butt lift

Patients have access to modern techniques – Vaser ultrasound liposuction, FUE and DHI hair transplantation, treatment of early-stage alopecia with platelet-rich plasma PRP. The clinic has high-tech equipment, an intensive care unit, and VIP wards for even greater convenience and comfort for patients. More than 4,000 patients undergo procedures at the clinic annually.

Directions of work

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is divided into aesthetic and reconstructive. These operations have different goals and, accordingly, indications. Aesthetic surgery is aimed at correcting the patient’s appearance in accordance with his wishes, for example, if the patient wants to remove Bish’s lumps or reduce the earlobe. Reconstructive plastic surgery also has medical indications. Its goal is to restore the natural shape and functionality of certain organs or parts of the body. This includes such procedures as reconstructive rhinoplasty, skin grafting and mammoplasty after mastectomy (breast removal). The Istanbul Aesthetic Center performs the following operations:

  • Face and neck lift – age, lifestyle, heredity, stress, improper skin care – all these are the causes of premature aging, which can be combated by a face and neck lift. During the operation, excess sagging skin is removed (through an incision at the junction of the ear and cheek or from the back of the ear and scalp. The stitches become invisible over time thanks to modern techniques, and the face and neck become toned, younger and more attractive.
  • Rhinoplasty — as a rule, people who are not satisfied with the appearance of their nose (deviated septum, disproportion) want to change the shape of their nose, to make it perfect. Also, in rhinoplasty, the main attention is paid to the patient’s comfortable breathing and, of course, achieving the desired shape. The operation is performed by experienced surgeons, takes 1.5-2 hours under general anesthesia.
  • Mammoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries among women, thanks to which girls become more self-confident and get rid of complexes. When choosing an implant, the doctor takes into account the physiology of the patient’s body structure, as well as her wishes regarding shape and size, thus finding the optimal solution to achieve the desired result.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) – the shapes of Brazilian beauties inspire many women, thanks to the ability to give the buttocks a more rounded shape, girls often turn to and use the procedure for buttock augmentation and lifting. Thanks to the skill of surgeons, a natural, aesthetic result is achieved. The procedure is performed using the patient’s own fat (removed from another part of the body), over time, the fatty tissues are connected to the buttocks, acquiring natural shapes.
  • Gluteoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at correcting the volume and contour of the buttocks. This surgery is performed on patients who want to make the buttocks area larger and who cannot achieve the desired shape with the help of fitness and other workouts. With the help of gluteoplasty, you can get the desired shape and volume of the buttocks, which you cannot get naturally due to your natural body type. The surgery is performed by fixing implants under the main muscle of the buttocks. This solves several problems at once: firstly, the required volume of the buttocks is achieved, secondly, the buttocks are lifted and corrected to the desired shape.
  • Liposuction is a reduction in the volume of subcutaneous fat. There are various methods of liposuction, but the most effective today are laser and ultrasound. The pinnacle of the evolution of methods for removing excess subcutaneous fat is undoubtedly ultrasound liposuction, in which the fat tissue, under the influence of ultrasound, turns into an emulsion and is immediately pumped out using a vacuum. The advantages of ultrasound liposuction: low tissue trauma, no bleeding, reduction, skin tightening (additional effect), rapid wound healing, fewer bruises and swelling, reduced terms of general and aesthetic rehabilitation, the possibility of using liposuction without risk on all areas of the face, body and limbs.
Hair transplant

Hair transplant is a procedure for restoring hair using the original follicles of a person who has lost hair. Follicles are extracted from the back of the head (the area behind the ears is most resistant to hair loss) and transplanted to the hairless area. Over time, the hair grows back, it can also be dyed, cut, and styled. Today, hair transplantation can be done in several ways, since the 1940s, transplantation methods have reached perfection. Hair transplantation is not performed only because of hair loss, it is also used in areas caused by hair and tissue loss from an accident or burn. To achieve a more effective result, experts recommend following the recommendations that the doctor prescribes after the procedure. The Istanbul Aesthetic Center clinic uses both FUE and DHI (Direct Hair Implant) transplantation methods. You can read more about the methods in the article on hair transplantation. In addition to scalp hair transplants, the clinic also performs eyebrow transplants and beard and moustache transplants.

Aesthetic dentistry

Department of the Istanbul Aesthetic Center clinic, which deals with the restoration and elimination of various dental defects (chips, cracks, changes in the length, shape and color of teeth). Here they create a beautiful smile. To create an ideal smile, specialists take into account absolutely all factors: age, gender, shape of the face and lips, gum structure and the wishes of the patients. For a beautiful smile, beautiful, snow-white and even teeth are not always enough, it is also important not to forget about the health of the gums.

Gingvioplasty is a solution to gum problems. The procedure can restore the aesthetics of the dentition and correct the gum line. Teeth whitening is also particularly popular. Modern methods can make teeth several shades lighter, since teeth become dull every day due to various factors (drugs, tea, coffee, cigarettes, etc.). This problem can also be solved in the aesthetic dentistry department. Periodontists work in the aesthetic dentistry department. Periodontology examines the hard and soft tissues around the teeth and treats diseases of these tissues. The initial stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. Depending on the stage of the disease, the process of leveling the deep and root surface can occur simultaneously with cleaning tartar. Gum problems cannot be cured with mouthwash and antibiotics. It is important that the treatment is started by a dentist at an early stage. There are also doctors in the department who will help solve the issue of canal and caries treatment. The most perfect way to add beauty and aesthetics to teeth is an implant. Implants are installed in adults with already formed bone tissue. During the consultation with the doctor, all issues are discussed: the patient has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with various materials and choose the right one for themselves, decide on the color and shape of the teeth.

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