
Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery in Turkey

Blepharoplasty of the eyelids is a plastic surgery aimed at removing excess skin and fat deposits in the eye area. Allows you to “open your eyes”, get rid of bruises, and rejuvenate your face. The skin in this area is thin and delicate, so it ages first. The appearance of “crow’s feet”, wrinkles, folds are the main reason to start sounding the alarm and sign up for a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Methods of plastic surgery for eyelid rejuvenation

Eyelid plastic surgery in Turkey is performed using a scalpel or laser. In the first case, the surgeon makes incisions in the folds of the eyelids to remove loose skin and distribute excess fat, connecting the tissues with micro sutures. This allows for the most precise work.

Laser intervention involves the use of a very thin beam, 50 microns in diameter. With its help, the doctor cuts tissues and simultaneously “seals” small blood vessels. The operation is minimally invasive, there is virtually no blood, and the likelihood of swelling and bruising is minimal. In most cases, local anesthesia is used – the patient is conscious, but does not feel pain.

The methods of performing the procedure largely depend on the type of blepharoplasty:

  1. Upper – the surgeon makes an incision along the line of the natural fold, if necessary, gives the correct shape.
  2. Lower – more complex work. The incision is made along the eyelash line. The doctor redistributes the fat layer, which helps to avoid the appearance of depressions and bumps.
  3. Circular – a combination of the two above-mentioned options for performing the operation.
  4. Transconjunctival (sutureless) is performed on patients with high skin elasticity. Penetration into the periorbital tissues is carried out through the conjunctiva.
  5. Oriental – the incision is made between the movable and fixed eyelids. Internal sutures are applied for strengthening.

After examining the patient, the surgeon will select the optimal method for performing blepharoplasty of the eyelids:

  • classical – using a scalpel;
  • laser – using a CO2 laser.

Indications for surgery


Most often, upper eyelid plastic surgery is performed for aesthetic reasons, including:

  • drooping, excess skin of the upper eyelids;
  • the presence of under-eye “bags”;
  • eye asymmetry;
  • flabbiness of the skin, expression wrinkles, ptosis due to age-related changes;
  • entropion or ectropion (inversion or eversion of the eyelids);
  • congenital pathologies and consequences of injuries;
  • dissatisfaction with appearance, desire to change the contour of the eyes.

Many patients are interested in the question: at what age is it better to perform upper eyelid plastic surgery? But the main criterion is not age, but the presence of indications – they can appear at 25 years and be absent at 40. Let’s consider in more detail the main indications for blepharoplasty.

Excess skin

Sagging skin of the upper and lower eyelids looks unaesthetic. This phenomenon occurs not only as a result of age-related changes, sudden weight loss, bad habits, hormonal disorders and other biological changes. In addition, in some patients, the skin lies on the eyelash edge, blocking the angle of view. Upper eyelid plastic surgery allows you to eliminate defects, get rid of a tired and heavy look.

The upper eyelid surgery procedure takes 40-60 minutes and involves the use of both local and general anesthesia.

Fat deposits

With excess fat deposits under the eyes, which looks unaesthetic and adds age, lower eyelid surgery is necessary. In Turkey, doctors perform fat-preserving blepharoplasty. The innovative technique is aimed at redistributing, rather than eliminating, fatty tissue. This eliminates the effect of “sunken eyes” and refreshes the look.

Bags under the eyes

Lower and upper eyelid plastic surgery in Turkey helps to get rid of bags under the eyes. Increased swelling is determined genetically or occurs as a result of diseases (kidney pathology). In this case, an examination is carried out before eliminating cosmetic defects. Only after this a decision is made about the intervention. Laser eyelid plastic surgery in Turkey will help to cope with this problem, but the final decision is made after consultation and assessment of the situation by a plastic surgeon.

Dropped eyelids

With age, women often experience ptosis, drooping of the lacrimal gland. During the examination, it is necessary to determine the degree of structural changes and choose the method of intervention:

  1. At the initial stage, slight sagging of muscles and hernial formations are noted.
  2. At the second stage, overhanging skin is added.
  3. At the third stage, deformation in the periorbital region, in addition, furrows are noticeable.
  4. Added to all this is a deterioration in muscle tone, the appearance of bags under the eyes, and drooping eyelids.

Contour plastic surgery eliminates the problem of drooping eyelids and opens the look.

Results after plastic surgery

Eyelid plastic surgery (blepharoplasty) in Turkey allows you to successfully cope with age-related and acquired changes. Women who decide to undergo the procedure receive:

  • tightening of the skin around the eyes;
  • facial rejuvenation;
  • a more open look.

However, it is important to understand that surgical intervention does not stop the natural aging process. The procedure corrects existing changes. The result is stable – on average up to 10 years, depending on individual indicators.



After lower and upper eyelid surgery, a change in skin color is noted. The next morning, swelling appears, which goes away on average after 2 weeks, but can remain for up to a month. During the first 7 days, it is important to take care of your eyes and not strain them.

Recovery after blepharoplasty includes the following stages:

  • after 4-5 days the surgeon removes the stitches;
  • after 2 weeks light makeup is allowed;
  • after 3 weeks the first result can be assessed, but the final result can be seen only after a few months.

Surgeons recommend applying ice compresses for 10 minutes during the waking period during the first 2 days, as well as using antibiotic eye drops for the first week. In addition, it is useful to sleep with your head elevated. Following the recommendations of the plastic surgeon significantly speeds up the rehabilitation process.

Patients from all over the world prefer eyelid surgery in Istanbul. The correction is carried out by specialists with many years of experience, whose activities are certified by the International Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery.

Turkish doctors use minimally invasive techniques that allow you to eliminate defects, as well as change your appearance with minimal risks to the body. Recovery is easy and patients are satisfied with the results of blepharoplasty done in Istanbul and other cities. The price of eyelid surgery in Turkey varies from 900 to 3000 euros, depending on the complexity of the intervention.

The list of medical institutions is quite extensive, including:


  1. Esteworld Clinic – the cost of upper blepharoplasty is 1,500 euros
  2. Levent Clinic – 1,500 euros
  3. Istanbul Cerahisi Clinic – 1,400 euros


Also popular are eyelid plastic surgery clinics in Istanbul:


  • Acibadem Taksim;
  • Turkey Hair Academy;
  • LIV Vadistanbul;
  • Kolan Hospital Group;
  • Florence Nightingale Hospital Group.


Patient reviews can be helpful in choosing a clinic for eyelid surgery. Both women and men resort to the procedure (the signs of photoaging are more noticeable on their faces).

The main advantage of plastic surgery in Turkey: the ability to combine world-class treatment with a vacation, while the cost of services remains loyal. Surgeons strictly adhere to international standards and medical protocols, which guarantees the safety of each patient.

If you are interested in blepharoplasty in Turkey, you can fill out the form below, and our medical consultants will contact you to provide a detailed, free consultation.

What type of blepharoplasty do you want to do?

  • Upper eyelid
  • Lower eyelid
  • Circular blepharoplasty

Have you already consulted with clinics in Turkey?

  • Yes
  • No

When do you plan to have the operation?

  • In the near future
  • After 2-3 months
  • After 6 months - a year
  • I will find out the details

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  • Call me
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Clinic DR. Cem Berkay SINACI

Clinic DR. Cem Berkay SINACI

years of international experience
Globalmedik rating

Dr. Cem Berkay Sinacı is a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

Experience in plastic surgery: +10 years

Dr. Cem Berkay Sinacı treats VIP patients from all over the world. Currently, he provides services in his own clinic. Thanks to his view on his field of specialization, patients from Turkey and Europe trust him with their bodies.

Dr. Cem Berkay Sinacı calls his profession a scientific art and his results a work of art that sets him apart from others. His priority is the comfort and safety of his patients, so he has developed unique plastic surgery techniques.

Since 2021, he has been providing services in his own clinic.




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