Neck lift

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Over time, the neck muscles often lose elasticity due to age and weight loss, and the skin becomes wrinkled due to sun exposure and other factors. This can lead to a buildup of sagging muscles and excess skin, which can lead to a heavy or wrinkled appearance, commonly referred to as “turkey neck.” Fortunately, it is possible to correct loose skin and muscles with surgery that is designed to tighten and smooth the neck, giving it a more youthful, healthy appearance.

Neck lift
Neck lift
Neck lift
Why is a neck lift performed?


A neck lift can restore the tight, youthful appearance of the neck skin, which often diminishes as the skin and muscles lose their elasticity. The procedure is often used when patients do not show signs of needing a full facelift, but still have an aged appearance in the lower face. Neck lift surgery is also commonly combined with a facelift for people who want a complete rejuvenation. Depending on your needs, your neck contour can be smoothed by:

  • Tightening sagging skin
  • Correcting muscle bandages
  • Addressing other signs of aging in the neck

A neck lift may involve an incision under the chin or behind the ear. Often, a neck lift is combined with liposuction of the neck and/or chin. The procedure is also performed in conjunction with a facelift (middle and lower third).


Non-surgical neck lift

A non-surgical neck lift is a good option for those with less severe signs of sagging. If there is minimal sagging, a non-surgical neck lift can be performed using threads and/or injections. Dermal fillers are products that are made up of either hyaluronic acid or collagen.



Contraindications for surgery:

  • Open wounds
  • Hematoma (bleeding under the skin)
  • Thick scars
  • Skin loss
  • Blood clots
  • Infectious disease
  • Reaction to anesthetic
  • Nerve damage


Before and after the procedure

Before the operation, you will have a consultation with a doctor, he will assess your health, risks, clarify your expectations, and determine the optimal method of surgical intervention. Also, before the procedure, photos of your appearance are taken so that after the operation you can evaluate the difference.

After the operation, there is a possibility of bruising and swelling. You may also have to wear a bandage to support your neck and reduce swelling.

What is the recovery period like after a neck lift?

Some numbness, bruising and swelling can be expected after neck lift surgery, but this will likely resolve within 10-14 days with a little drainage and compression garments.

Any pain and discomfort you experience after the procedure can be relieved with medication. Most patients find that they can return to their normal daily activities after two weeks, although they should continue to refrain from heavy lifting, contact sports and swimming for another month.

To calculate the exact price for your surgery, it is imperative to consult with a plastic surgeon. The doctor can make a preliminary free estimate of your case based on your photographs, and we at Gloalmedik will share all the additional information.

Contact us via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +9 0533 194 59 90 For your convenience, we will help you book a hotel that suits you completely in terms of cost and location.

Procedure cost

The average price of a neck lift in Istanbul, Turkey is 2,550 EUR, the minimum price is 2,300 EUR and the maximum price is 4,000 EUR. Prices may vary in different cities such as Istanbul, Antalya and Izmir. The cost of a neck lift in Turkey depends on a number of factors and varies from clinic to clinic. And if you compare these prices with other clinics and countries that offer this procedure, you can see the difference.

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