Baskent University Istanbul Hospital

Başkent University Istanbul Hospital
Baskent University Istanbul Hospital
Baskent University Istanbul Hospital
Baskent University Istanbul Hospital
Baskent University Istanbul Hospital
Baskent University Istanbul Hospital
million patients per year
organ transplant success rate

About the clinic

Başkent University Istanbul Hospital is a progressive medical complex that aims to provide the highest quality medical services in a comfortable environment. The clinic is part of the prestigious Turkish network of university hospitals Başkent Healthcare Group, whose achievements are known not only in the country but also far beyond its borders – in the international medical arena.

Başkent University Istanbul Hospital is a progressive medical complex that aims to provide the highest quality medical services in a comfortable environment. The clinic is part of the prestigious Turkish network of university hospitals Başkent Healthcare Group, whose achievements are known not only in the country but also far beyond its borders – in the international medical arena. Başkent University Istanbul Hospital opened its doors in 2007. The clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, the total area of ​​the complex is 13,000 sq.m, which houses 196 equipped modern hospital beds. The clinic also consists of:

  • 21-bed Palliative Care Center
  • Intensive care for newborns (12 beds)
  • 10-bed resuscitation intensive care
  • 7-bed coronary intensive care

In addition, operating rooms, intensive care, floor ventilation, generator performance and other technical rooms are under constant control in the automation control center to maintain the operation of uninterruptible power supplies, thus ensuring the operation of the hospital in the event of a power failure.

Why us?

The founder of the medical center, Professor Mehmet Haberal, was the first in the world to perform a segmental liver transplant from a living donor, and the first in Turkey to perform a kidney transplant from a living donor. In addition, Dr. Haberal is the founder and president of the Turkish Transplantation Society. At the Baskent Clinic, you are guaranteed to meet qualified specialists and be surprised by the high standard of international medical care.

Has been operating since 2007
The most modern equipment
the total area of ​​the complex is 13,000 sq.m.
196 equipped modern hospital beds

Directions of work

Organ transplantation

Başkent University Istanbul Hospital is also an Organ and Tissue Transplantation Center. The center has successfully performed 3877 transplants of organs and tissues such as liver, kidney, heart and cornea. The organ transplantation process chain is a team effort of doctors with the participation of various departments. One of the most important links in the chain is transplantation immunology. This stage of determining the tissue compatibility between the organ recipient and the donor is the most critical. Successful organ transplantation can only be performed after all the criteria for transplantation suitability have been confirmed at this stage. Tissue Typing and Transplantation Immunology Laboratory of Başkent University Istanbul Hospital performs all types of examinations required before tissue and organ transplantation using the most modern technologies and methods. Tissue Typing and Transplantation Immunology Laboratory is a member of NEQAS and the Balkan Association for the Proof of Qualification and Competence (BEPT) with international external quality assurance programs. Within the framework of the NEQAS program, the laboratory performs HLA tissue typing, scanning and determination of panel-reactive antibodies and cross-cytotoxicity testing, within the framework of the Balkan Association for External Proof of Qualifications and Competence (BEPT) program, HLA tissue typing and cross-cytotoxicity testing and cross-match testing by flow cytology are performed. The Tissue Typing and Transplant Immunology Laboratory performs the following tests:

  • HLA typing for loci A, B, C (low molecular resolution, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction))
  • HLA typing for loci DR, DQ (low molecular resolution, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction))
  • Cytotoxicity panel (cytology)
  • Cytotoxicity panel (flow cytology)
  • Panel-reactive antigen scanning
  • Panel-reactive antigen class I scanning
  • Panel-reactive antigen class II scanning
  • HLA-B (low molecular resolution, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction))
  • LSA-1 (Single antigen class I scanning)
  • LSA-1 (Single antigen class II scanning)
  • Donor-specific antibodies
  • Determination of donor KIR genotype

Kidney transplant

Kidney transplantation for foreign patients can only be performed from a living donor (this is regulated and controlled by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey). The donor can be a relative of the patient up to the 4th degree of kinship, which must be confirmed by an official document from your consulate, the document must be provided in two languages, English and Turkish. Specialists independently confirm the suitability of the donor. When searching for a donor, it is advisable to pay attention to people aged 18 to 60 years who have not had operations or serious diseases. Kidney transplantation is a surgical operation to place a donor kidney into the body of a patient whose kidney functionality is insufficient to support the life and functions of the entire body. Today, kidney transplantation is the most successful method of treatment for renal failure in the last (terminal) stage. Kidney transplantation ensures a long and healthy life for the patient. Transplants can be performed from living donors. Compared to dialysis treatment, which provides only some of the functions of the kidneys, with a successful kidney transplant from a donor, the transplanted kidney begins to perform all functions, thus improving the well-being and quality of life of patients. As a result of transplantation of a healthy donor kidney, lost renal functions are restored. In cases where there are no contraindications, every patient who has a need for dialysis treatment is a candidate for kidney transplantation. Kidney transplantation can increase the life expectancy of a patient with kidney failure by 3 times. After transplantation, 80% of patients return to their daily lives, in particular, young patients are able to start a family and have children. Patients with kidney disease at the beginning of dialysis treatment should contact an organ transplant center. Necessary studies:

  • Hastanın ve donörün böbrek damarlarının Doppler ultrasonu
  • Hasta ve donör kan grupları
  • Donör-hasta doku uyumluluk testi (HLA)
  • Hasta ve donörün donör viral paneli (Hepatit, AIDS)
  • Genel kan testi + hastanın ve donörün biyokimyası
  • Donörün ve hastanın 24 saatlik idrar analizi (ayrıca idrardaki proteinler ve kreatinin)

Liver transplantation

The liver is an organ that weighs about 1-2 kg, consists of two main lobes, the right and left lobes, and performs many vital functions. Among them are such functions as the secretion of bile for fat digestion, purification of blood from drugs, chemicals and alcohol, storage of excess glucose in the form of starch, removal of metabolic products with bile, synthesis of protein and cholesterol, blood clotting, immunity to infections. In addition to performing these important functions for the body, the liver is the only organ in the human body that has such a unique ability as restoring its size. This ability of the liver to restore its size in a relatively short period allows for the removal of a large part of the liver (up to 60-70% of the total volume).

Heart transplant

This is a surgical procedure performed by removing a diseased heart that has lost its functionality and replacing it with a healthy heart obtained from a cadaveric donor (after brain death has been established). Heart transplantation is the last chance for patients with heart failure when all other treatment methods are insufficient. Heart failure can develop as a result of coronary artery disease, heart valve or heart muscle dysfunction, congenital heart defects, or viral infections that affect the heart. Heart transplantation is performed on patients with end-stage heart failure. In other words, it is used in cases where, despite all types of treatment, the patient does not experience a decrease in complaints and symptoms related to the heart, and in cases where the life expectancy within a year is less than 50%. In heart transplants, the main criterion is blood group compatibility. As a rule, it is required that the recipient and donor have the same blood group. However, in special cases, the blood group compatibility rules for primary donors and primary recipients may apply. Although there are no specific age restrictions for heart transplantation, the most preferred age is between 1 and 50 years. Time is of the essence in heart transplants. The time required from removing the heart from the donor to placing the heart in the recipient’s chest and starting to beat is 4 hours. For this reason, heart transplants are a race against time and require speedy action. Patients who require a heart transplant are registered on the Heart Transplant Waiting List of the Organ and Tissue Information System (TODS) under the Ministry of Health. For patients whose conditions require urgent transplantation, a notification of the need for urgent transplantation is posted in the system in agreement with the Heart Transplant Council. Unfortunately, foreign patients cannot be registered on the Heart Transplant Waiting List of the Organ and Tissue Information System. Transplantation for foreign patients is performed at the Artificial Heart Support Center. After transplantation, patients experience a significant improvement in their quality of life. Patients can attend educational institutions, work, start families, and play sports. At the same time, patients must follow all the rules recommended after heart surgery and regularly attend doctor’s appointments.


The Cardiology Department of Başkent University Istanbul Hospital has all the necessary infrastructure, equipment and qualified specialists to diagnose and treat all types of cardiovascular diseases. The Cardiology Department offers inpatient coronary care services with a capacity of 7 beds, post-coronary angiography follow-up services with a capacity of 6 beds equipped with clinical beds with telemetry monitoring. Outpatient and non-invasive cardiology procedures (ECG, stress test, echocardiography, Holter ECG monitoring, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, tilt table test, permanent pacemaker and ICD monitoring). Adult Cardiology Outpatient Clinic provides outpatient services to 1000-1300 patients. The clinic’s reception is also conducted by teaching staff with extensive practical experience in the field of cardiovascular problems.

Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures:

  • Echocardiography (transthoracic, transesophageal, stress echocardiography (stress ECHO), etc.)
  • Holter ECG monitoring analysis
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
  • Treadmill stress tests
  • Cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography, coronary angioplasty, stenting, fractional flow reserve (FFR) measurement, etc.
  • Electrophysiological studies of the heart and arrhythmia (EPS, permanent pacemaker and ICD implantation)
  • Monitoring the functioning of a permanent pacemaker and ICD
  • Cardiological rehabilitation
  • Interventional cardiology procedures under the control of nuclear medicine imaging devices (single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), multi-plane radioisotope scanning (MUGA), etc.).
  • The hospital’s team of specialist doctors successfully performs all types of
  • INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY procedures performed in the world.

Among them:

  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
  • Non-surgical heart valve replacement using an inguinal vein approach
  • Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) – Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
  • Repair (TEVAR)
  • Repair of an aortic aneurysm in the abdomen or chest cavity using a stent.
  • Closure of atrial septal defect (ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), patent foramen ovale (PFO), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
  • Non-surgical closure of congenital defects (holes) in the heart with access through the inguinal vein
  • Elimination of mitral, pulmonary and tricuspid valve stenosis
  • Balloon-assisted elimination of heart valve stenosis
  • Mitral valve reconstruction using the Carillon® contour system – mitral clip
  • Mitral valve reconstruction with access through the inguinal vein (non-surgical)
  • Stenting of the carotid arteries (cerebral vessels)
  • Elimination of obstruction of the leg vessels
    Ethanol ablation of the interventricular septum
Department of Oncogynecology

The Department of Gynecologic Oncology deals with cancer and precancerous lesions of the female genital organs. Gynecologic oncology surgery specialists undergo comprehensive training in the treatment of gynecologic cancer. For this reason, a gynecologic oncologist deals with surgical and chemotherapeutic treatment and palliative care for women from the moment of diagnosis. The team consists of several specialists: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, radiation oncologist and nurses. In addition, complex diagnostic and treatment methods are performed by an experienced team of specialists in hospitals with high-tech equipment.

The specialization of gynecological oncology includes the following diseases: Diagnostics and treatment of pathologies with the risk of developing malignant diseases of the external genitalia, cervix, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Diagnostics and prevention of malignant diseases of the genital organs in women, treatment of diagnosed diseases is carried out on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach under the coordination of a specialist in gynecological oncology.

Treatment of certain diseases, which is carried out in the department of gynecological oncological surgery

Vulvar cancer is a cancer of the skin around the vaginal opening, including the clitoris and labia. Vulvar cancer is uncommon. The human papillomavirus (HPV), along with increasing the risk of cervical cancer, unfortunately increases the risk of vulvar cancer. Vulvar cancer is treatable, but like all cancers, treatment is most effective when it is detected early, before the cancer has spread to other areas of the body. Vulvar cancer is a cancer that is most common in older women. If diagnosed early, it can be completely cured.

Endometrial cancer – develops from the layer of cells lining the inside of the uterus, the functional layer of which is rejected during each menstruation. Endometrial cancer is the most common in the female reproductive system. As a rule, the incidence rate increases in postmenopausal age. Risk factors for endometrial cancer include age, obesity, hormonal disorders and genetic predisposition. To date, there is no sufficiently reliable screening test for early diagnosis of endometrial cancer. At the same time, many women develop complaints at an early stage of the disease. With endometrial cancer, the most common complaint is the appearance of vaginal bleeding after menopause. In some cases, young women experience a change in normal menstrual periods. In many cases, uterine cancer can be detected at an early stage and successful treatment results can be achieved. Bleeding after menopause, called vaginal bleeding, is the most common symptom of uterine cancer. Surgery is the most common treatment for endometrial cancer. Surgery is used to remove the area of ​​​​uterine cancer and to determine the stage of the disease. The minimal surgical procedure is to perform a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) along with removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Typically, excision of the lymph nodes in the pelvic area and abdomen is also performed. Surgery can be performed by a traditional skin incision and opening of the abdomen or by a closed method of minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy or robotic surgery). Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is a common treatment option for women with endometrial cancer. It is prescribed based on the results of surgery to women at high risk of recurrence of the disease to reduce the likelihood of recurrence. For endometrial cancer, chemotherapy is usually recommended in advanced stages (stage III-IV) and for recurrent disease (relapse after the first course of treatment). Hormonal therapy is not a standard treatment, but may be recommended by a doctor to patients with cancer limited to the cervix who have a strong desire to become pregnant and have a child in the future.

Ovarian cancer originates from the cells of the ovary. The ovaries are a paired organ of the female reproductive system, located on either side of the uterus, and produce eggs and the main female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer is the ninth most common cancer in women and is the gynecological cancer with the highest mortality rate. The exact cause of the cancer is unknown, and there is currently no method that is used as a standard procedure for early diagnosis. Women in the following groups are more likely to develop ovarian cancer: carriers of the BRCA 1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, women with a history of breast cancer, women on estrogen replacement therapy (without progesterone) for more than five years, women with endometriosis, women who become pregnant and give birth later in life, older women – the risk of ovarian cancer increases with age, women who are obese, especially those with a BMI of 30 or more. Gynecologic oncologists coordinate all stages of treatment for women with ovarian cancer, from diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, to lifelong palliative care.

Cervical cancer is cancer of the lower part of the uterus. The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus that opens into the vagina and widens during childbirth. Cervical cancer is one of the cancers with the highest mortality rate in women and is most common in developing countries. Although about 20% of all cervical cancer cases occur in women over 65, women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are most susceptible. Colposcopy allows a detailed examination of the cervix, vagina, or vulva. A colposcope is a lighted instrument that allows a magnifying view to detect areas of cancerous tissue that are not visible at an early stage, guiding where a biopsy may be needed. Colposcopy is used to determine the cause of abnormal cell changes. This test may be able to detect cervical cancer at an early stage. Treatment options depend on the stage of the disease. In the early stages, treatment is relatively easy with surgery. Patients with a small early-stage cancer lesion are treated by performing a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus or cervix). Depending on the extent of the cancer, different types of hysterectomy may be recommended. Surgery can be performed in a classic way: open surgery, or laparoscopic or robotic surgery. The choice of surgical method depends on many factors, such as the experience and preferences of the surgeon, the size of the cancer, and the anatomical structure of the patient. The decision to perform surgery is discussed in detail with the attending physician.

Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation is a science that aims to increase the functions and performance of people to the maximum level, teach them independent living skills, improve the quality of life by helping to solve problems and treat diseases of muscles, joints, bones and spine, orthopedic problems such as sports injuries, rheumatic diseases and paralysis. Physiotherapy methods include the use of hot / cold procedures, ultrasound and electrical stimulators, water exercises and traction procedures (stretching of various parts of the skeletal system). In addition, physical exercise and the correct use of the body is one of the integral treatment methods in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. At the center of Başkent University Istanbul Hospital, equipped with modern equipment, a team of experienced specialists plans and applies treatment procedures in light of the latest achievements of world medicine.

Orthopedic problems associated with diseases and accompanying pain in the knee, shoulder, hip and ankle joints, after prosthetic surgeries and treatment of fractures of the knee, hip and shoulder joints. In the treatment of problems associated with spinal diseases, the use of an individually selected physiotherapy and rehabilitation program is of particular importance and is mandatory for the patient’s return to everyday life.

Walking disorders can occur as a result of damage to the nervous system, such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, as well as as a result of a disruption in the conductivity of nerve signals to the legs, such as spinal cord injury, or as a result of damage related to orthopedic problems: fractures, tendon injuries, muscle tears. In everyday life, we do not think about how we walk, and take more than a thousand steps a day, we begin to think about the importance of walking only in cases when difficulties arise. In the department of the Başkent University Istanbul Hospital, walking disorders are diagnosed and the causes of their occurrence are studied.

Sports injuries are suffered not only by professional athletes, but also by people who take care of their health. Physical therapy rehabilitation programs are the most important part of treatment after sports injuries.

Low back and neck pain are extremely common and are a cause of loss of productivity. Although some back and neck pain can be treated surgically and some by injecting medications into the spinal canal, physical therapy and rehabilitation programs play an important role both as independent treatment methods and as an additional treatment.

Rheumatic soft tissue disorders (fibromyalgia) is a syndrome accompanied by numerous systemic symptoms such as chronic pain, depression, gastrointestinal problems, headache, joint pain, etc. The disease occurs in 1-2% of the population. Although the disease is usually observed in people aged 30 to 50 years, it sometimes occurs in children and the elderly. Women are affected more often than men. Fibromyalgia syndrome does not cause permanent damage to a person, however, chronic pain and other systemic complaints negatively affect the quality of life and daily activities. Physiotherapy methods and exercise play an important role in the treatment of rheumatic lesions of soft tissues, accompanied by generalized pain in the body and chronic fatigue.

Osteoporosis (a disease of brittle bones) often occurs in women, especially after menopause, and can also develop in older men. To maintain bone health and reduce back pain caused by osteoporosis, it is imperative to seek help from specialists, exercise and physiotherapy methods play an important role in a person’s daily life.

Inflammatory rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are rheumatic diseases that cause inflammation of the joints, resulting in deformity and limitation of movement in the joints. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation are prescribed to patients to prevent deformities, relieve pain, increase functional capabilities and participate in daily life.

Neurological diseases such as paralysis, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries or cerebral palsy can cause muscle weakness, difficulty moving, and difficulty walking. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatments help in eliminating or reducing the intensity of existing disorders, making walking easier, preventing permanent joint stiffness, reducing pain caused by paralysis and increasing functionality. In addition, for patients with paralysis, patient-specific devices can be provided to facilitate the use of hands and perform movements more comfortably. Improved quality of life and increased functional capabilities can be achieved through the use of rehabilitation medicine methods.


Hematology is a science of blood diseases, a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases such as anemia (iron deficiency anemia, Mediterranean anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, sickle cell anemia), diseases that cause quantitative and functional disorders of leukocytes, protective cells of the body and platelets that prevent bleeding, diseases that cause vascular occlusion, diseases that increase the risk of bleeding, such as hemophilia, as well as cancers originating from the bone marrow and lymph nodes (acute leukemia, chronic leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, etc.). The hematology department receives and provides medical care to patients, conducts outpatient and inpatient treatment. As diagnostic methods, along with blood composition studies using a peripheral blood smear, the clinic performs bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. In addition, if necessary, transfusions of blood and blood products (erythrocyte suspensions, platelet concentrates, blood plasma, etc.) are performed. Early intervention allows saving the lives of three out of four patients with lesser damage to the body. Patients who are admitted to the department can undergo cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, balloon grafting of the vein or stent placement, and, if necessary, they can undergo surgical surgery.

Children's department

At Başkent University Istanbul Hospital, you can also find many departments that work with children.

  • Pediatric cardiology – contrary to popular belief, heart disease is not only an adult disease. Children can also develop various heart pathologies. Among them, in most cases, congenital heart defects. Less often, heart diseases can also develop after conditions such as acute rheumatism of the joints or Kawasaki disease. The following methods are available for the diagnosis of heart diseases in children: echocardiography (EchoCG), chest X-ray, stress test, 24-hour Holter monitoring, cardiac catheterization and angiography.
  • Pediatric neurology is an interdisciplinary branch of medicine that aims to promptly detect and treat diseases of the nervous system in children aged 0 to 18 years, as well as to ensure the best adaptation of such children in society. A child is a constantly growing and developing organism, the child’s nervous system completes its formation later than all other systems of the body. Neurological diseases are diseases that not only affect children, due to the long duration of treatment and rehabilitation, but also affect the family and the immediate environment of the child. The most important among the diseases of the brain and nervous system are delayed development of walking skills, muscle weakness syndrome (hypotonia) (Spinal muscular atrophy – SMA), speech delay, behavioral disorders and autism, attention deficit and seizures (epilepsy) with elevated body temperature.
    pediatric emergency care – a department in which the patient’s condition is assessed by a physician specializing in emergency care. In cases where immediate intervention is required within minutes, namely, bleeding, seizures, sudden neurological disorder, loss of consciousness, emergency treatment and interventions are carried out directly in the emergency department. Patients who do not require emergency intervention are referred by an emergency physician to a children’s clinic, where the patient is examined and examined by a physician specializing in pediatric diseases. In addition, patients can contact the children’s clinic by appointment.
  • pediatric nephrology – the department diagnoses and treats all kidney and urinary tract diseases in children aged 0 to 18 years. The hospital, equipped with modern technological equipment, has all the necessary auxiliary units for monitoring such patients. The specialized medical staff of the center offers outpatient and inpatient management and monitoring, hemodialysis, outpatient peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation. In early childhood, a significant number of cases of kidney failure can be prevented through early diagnosis and treatment.
  • pediatric surgery – a department that diagnoses and treats diseases requiring surgical intervention in children aged from birth to 16 years. The hospital’s doctors perform operations on newborns to correct anomalies known before birth or that arose after birth, as well as monitor patients with congenital anomalies. The Department of Pediatric Surgery performs all types of surgical interventions and procedures for children from infancy to adolescence (0-16 years). Doctors of the Department of Pediatric Surgery perform surgical treatment of physical problems in children based on an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the psychological characteristics of childhood.
section picture
Payment info


65 000 $
Liver transplant
What is included in the price?
  • consultation with a transplant surgeon
  • laboratory tests + radiological studies related to surgical intervention (preoperative tests)
  • necessary medications (while in the clinic)
  • Compression underwear
  • observation by a doctor in the inpatient department
  • hospital stay recipient (5-7 days) + 1 accompanying person
  • hospital stay donor (3 days) + 1 accompanying person
GlobalMedik support

Personal manager available 24/7

Hotel reservations and assistance in finding tickets

Personal support in Turkey

18 000 - 24 000 $
Kidney transplant
What is included in the price?
  • consultation with a transplant surgeon
  • nephrologist consultation
  • laboratory tests + radiological studies related to surgical intervention (preoperative tests)
  • laboratory tests + radiological studies related to surgical intervention (preoperative tests)
  • Compression underwear
  • observation by a doctor in the inpatient department
  • hospital stay recipient (5-7 days) + 1 accompanying person
  • hospital stay donor (3 days) + 1 accompanying person
GlobalMedik support

Personal manager available 24/7

Hotel reservations and assistance in finding tickets

Personal support in Turkey

Book a consultation today and get your questions answered

Reviews about the clinic

Chelsey Pelicci
Chelsey Pelicci
Recently had surgery at this hospital, great experience from start to finish. Staff were very accommodating and used Google translate with me. Very attentive and always smiling , I was very nervous but everyone made me feel at ease and me and my husband were well looked after, thank you so much to all the staff at the hospital and my surgeon.
I have used their laboratory for blood tests and was satisfied with their organisation. Ms Beyza was exceptional while taking the blood sample, I didn't feel anything at all. Mr Recep was very friendly and reassuring. Ladies in the reception of the laboratory were attentive and handled all the registration process and the paperwork professionally. Results were ready in about 2 hours as they promised. Overall it was a smooth process for me, really appreciated it.
Leila G
Leila G
28 March 2022 Dear management at Başkent University Istanbul Hospital, My name is Leila and i’m pleased to write this reference letter and thank you letter for nurse Gulfeda Akyol who works at your Başkent University Istanbul Hospital Oymacı Sk. No:7 Kat 2. I met Gulfeda Akyol when i was brought to Kat 2 oda 201 from the surgery room after Dr Raza Cagri Sade had done a tummy tuck and a full body liposuction on my upper body. Due to the nature of my complicated surgery i had to stay in the hospital for 4 nights. I met many nurses and other staff members during my stay at the hospital but Gulfeda Akyol went above and beyond to provide me care, support and kindness while i was under so much pain and was unable to get out of my bed without her help or even use the bathroom. Gulfeda Akyol loves her job and she is a wonderful, caring, kind, empathetic,happy and very professional nurse who helped me to feel safe and comfortable when she was on shift. Because i came from Australia for medical tourism we constantly came across language barriers when tried to communicate with the nurses and the doctor. But language barrier did not stop Gulfeda Akyol to provide me as her patient with the outmost respect, care and professionalism by using positive body language. As a patient staying at your hospital for 4 night due to sever pain and surgery complications i believe that your hospital is very lucky to have Gulfeda Akyol and because of Gulfeda and nurse Kobra i will recommend your hospital to all my family and friend to come to your hospital for their medical tourism. I also believe that your team should consider making Gulfeda a team leader so other young nurses can learn from her empathy and good character towards patient who come to turkey for medical tourism and dont speak turkish as i came across few of your other staff such as nurse like Borsha and Dr Ata Bey whom were unkind and disrespectful while i was crying in my bed from sever abdominal pain and bleeding from my incisions and when we the nurse called Dr Ata bey he refused to come and check on me and simply told the nurse on shift that i had to wait another 10 hours till morning for dr Raza Cagri Sade to come and check on me. Thank you for taking your time and reading my feedback and recommendations. I hope you take this into account when taking care of other patient. Best regards, Leila from Australia Medical tourism patient Başkent University Istanbul Hospital Oymacı Sk. No:7 Kat 2 oda 201
Alessandro Cataldo
Alessandro Cataldo
I would like to thank you for the all hair transplant departmant and the Chief of departmant Dr. Ergen for his personal care. First of all it is an university hospital, not a private clinic or flat, secondly he informs you according to realistic point of view. Im so happy even with the 6th month result. I suggest them in every aspect, greetings from Italy
dude duder
dude duder
Excellent hospital, exceptional crew, helping your needs from A to Z. I can recommend this hospital to everyone. Thanks again for caring us.

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