Лікар Дженк Шен

Туреччина, Стамбул , Клініка Estetik International у Туреччині
років досвіду
10 тыс +
проведених процедур
Турецька асоціація пластичної, реконструктивної та естетичної хірургії
Міжнародне товариство естетичної пластичної хірургії
Європейська рада пластичної, реконструктивної та естетичної хірургії

Доктор Дженк Шен, відомий як «Doctor Nose», – провідний пластичний хірург Estetik International. Його філігранна майстерність та увага до деталей дозволяють досягати природних та гармонійних результатів, що підкреслюють баланс рис обличчя та одночасно покращують дихальну функцію.

Лікар Дженк Шен

Про Лікаря

Професор доктор Дженк Шен є автором більш ніж 50 наукових статей в галузі реконструктивної хірургії і відомий своїми унікальними методиками. Він спеціалізується на ринопластицi, зокрема на складних операціях з повторної (ревізійної) ринопластики, що вимагають високої кваліфікації та досвіду.

Пацієнти про лікаря

eva alexandre
eva alexandre
Very happy with the result! He was very caring and, because of my condition, he kept me in the recovery for an extra day to make sure that everything heals properly.
Thanks Dr.Cenk Şen for the professional work. from 10 years ago, I had difficulty breathing, and I went to a doctor who performed a nasal operation for me in order to improve breathing, but the operation failed due to the doctor's lack of experience. After that I went to another doctor to fix the defect that occurred the first time, but the results became worse and worse and the process of breathing from the nose became Very very difficult. After that, I went to more than one doctor to fix the matter, but they refused to perform the operation for me after the nose was subjected to two operations. It was very difficult to perform an operation again. Now when I visited Turkey, I read about Dr.Cenk Şen and that he is a doctor specializing in surgery and reconstruction, and when I visited him first time he was very honest He explained to me that my operation would be very accurate because I had 2 operations before and that the restoration process would be very accurate and that he would do the best thing for me to restore my breathing and the ruined shape of my nose. His honest words and his honesty in talking about my condition made me trust him and to perform the operation with him, . I am now after I did the operation with Dr.Cenk Şen, very happy with the result I obtained. He restored my hope and fixed the ruins of the doctors before him. Thank to Dr.Cenk Şen , for the professionalism in his work and for the skilled hand that turned the impossible into reality. Now I can take a deep breath and sleep comfortably at night and my nose looks so beautiful. Çok teşekkür ederim Dr.Cenk Şen
Aosaf Rafique
Aosaf Rafique
Dr Cenk only spent 5-10 mins for the consultation. The results of the surgeries were very disappointing. It seemed the surgeries were performed in a rush and the only thing they cared about was getting the money. Beware!!
Zeynep Demirel
Zeynep Demirel
For many years, I have had breathing problems due to the deviation of my nose. So much so that in recent years I could not sleep without applying cassia oil. I woke up tired every morning, feeling as if I hadn't slept at all or had gone to bed 1-2 hours ago. The reasons why I avoided surgery for years were reasons such as fear of tampons and fear of surgery. At this point, I met Cenk Hodja. A friend of mine, who had surgery on him at the company I work for, referred him to him. Professor Cenk is a surgeon who is very successful in his profession, has very strong human communication skills, and can establish a bond of trust between the doctor and the patient very quickly. He gave me confidence at the first examination I went to with suspicion and patiently answered every question I asked. My surgery was very successful, he also made a small aesthetic touch, 3 of my friends had surgery with me for the same problem, they are also very good. We are all grateful to Cenk Hodja. It gave me the gift of sleeping comfortably when I go to bed at night and waking up with a good sleep in the morning. If you have such problems and are reading these lines, do not delay. Turns out I never really breathed. Estetik International is a very clean clinic, the medical staff is very caring, kind and friendly. I would like to thank Bülent Hoca and Cenk Hoca.

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