проф. Омер Фарук БИЛЬГЕН

Турция, Бурса, Клиника MEDICABIL
Ортопедия и травматология, Ортопедия и травматология
лет опыта
100 +
научных публикаций
операций в год
Американская академия хирургов-ортопедов
Министерство здравоохранения Турецкой Республики

Профессор Омер Фарук Бильген — высококвалифицированный ортопед-травматолог с более чем 35-летним опытом работы. Он специализируется на проведении операций по тотальному эндопротезированию коленных, тазобедренных и плечевых суставов, а также на ревизионной артропластике, остеотомии бедра, лечении вывихов бедра и аваскулярного некроза (AVN). Каждый год профессор Бильген выполняет около 650 ортопедических операций и активно делится знаниями, публикуясь в научных изданиях и выступая на профессиональных конференциях.

проф. Омер Фарук БИЛЬГЕН


1981 г. — окончил медицинский факультет Черрахпаша, г. Стамбул.
1989 г. — обучение по специальности на кафедре ортопедии и травматологии Университет Улудаг, г. Бурса.
1993 г. – степень кандидата наук
1996 г. – звание доцента
2002 г. – звание профессора

Опыт работы

1993-1994 г.г. — работал в больнице Long Island Collage Hospital (Бруклин, Нью-Йорк), Нью-Йоркском университете
(Ортопедический институт по заболеваниям суставов) и Корнельском университете (Госпиталь специальной хирургии).
Проф. Доктор Омер Фарук Бильген продолжает свою профессиональную жизнь в учреждениях частной больницы Медикабиль, а
также является председателем совета директоров Частной Больницы Медикабиль


  • Полная замена тазобедренного сустава,
  • полная замена коленного сустава,
  • ревизионная артропластика тазобедренного сустава,
  • ревизионная артропластика коленного сустава,
  • остеотомия тазобедренного сустава,
  • вывих тазобедренного сустава,
  • аваскулярный некроз (АВН),
  • кальцификация бедра,
  • кальцификация колена (гонартроз),
  • операции при переломе бедра.

За год профессор проводит более 400 операций, из них 40% случаев  — это полная замена коленного сустава; 40% — это полная
замена тазобедренного сустава, 15% — ревизионные операции и 5% — другие операции.

Пациенты о докторе

Uğur Şahin
Uğur Şahin
My daughter had fractures in her leg. After a half-cast was made at the university hospital and she was sent from the hospital, my daughter's pain did not go away and we found Ömer teacher upon his recommendation. After the two-hour surgery, my daughter stood up the next day and there was no trace of her previous pain. I'm glad to have you, teacher Ömer. Thank you for your knowledge, experience and effort...
Yılmaz SATTI
Yılmaz SATTI
I would like to convey the process we went through between 22:00 and 23:45 on Tuesday, March 5th. Please check it with your recording system or camera system. I declare that I will share my complaint with the hospital management and the Ministry of Health. We have been customers of Private Medicabil Nilüfer Hospital for 12 years. In general, we are satisfied with their services. We took my daughter to the Emergency Department because she had a high fever. Thinking that it was the hospital we knew, we asked for an urgent serum and check-up. Dr. Hüsamettin ALTUN is an extremely comfortable doctor. The beds were empty as 10 people waited squirming in the waiting room. We put my daughter there because she was constantly shaking. The nurse came and took his temperature. His fever was 39 degrees. They said there was a long queue and you had to wait, so we waited. But we waited 1.5 hours. Dr. Doctor Hüsamettin ALTUN was extremely calm and walked around with his hand in his pocket. He came up to him and said, "We'll take a look when it's our turn." He went to his room with his hand in his pocket. We said at least connect an IV. He said to register and wait. After registering, they wanted to transfer us from the emergency bunk to the waiting room, saying that they would connect the serum to another patient who was examined 1.5 hours later. Yes, it's like a joke. It was said that the child with 39 degree fever should wait on the seat. Think of this as a private hospital. By canceling the registration we opened. We left the hospital. Actually, there was no excessive intensity, but I think the doctor's brain examination time was over 20 minutes. It had everyone on edge, from the nurses to all the patients. I definitely do not recommend it. and hopefully get a doctor you won't come across. I will never go to the hospital emergency room again. I would like my complaint to be taken into consideration.
Turkan Yildirim
Turkan Yildirim
I am very happy that I first found my father-in-law and teacher Ömer in 2019 when he broke both his hips at the age of 83 (2019) and 85 (2021). Every doctor who saw the prosthesis he wore during his surgery said wow. I don't understand those who leave negative comments. My mother's ankle has been a problem since her youth, I took it to my teacher Ömer, he said it would be better or worse if I had an operation, he said manage it as much as you can, he did not love money. My wife broke her hand in the middle of the night, we asked the hospital switchboard to send a note to Ömer Hodja, he made the necessary organization, we were called to the hospital, preparations were made and he was taken into surgery... I don't know what you are thinking when you make negative comments, but remember that he is a rare doctor and the best hip lifter in Turkey. I'm glad to have you, teacher Ömer.
Hatice Celik
Hatice Celik
I will pray for my teacher Ömer for the rest of my life. He saved us from a great trouble with God's permission. Thanks to him, we were able to see the future and move forward. He is a person who does his job properly, is devoted to this job, is extremely compassionate to patients and their relatives, I am very happy to have known him, may he live forever🙏🤲🍀
On May 19, 2021, that is, 2 and a half months ago, a robotic system prosthesis was installed for congenital hip dislocation. Thanks to Mr. Ömer's efforts, I am looking forward to the day when I can walk properly. I wanted to write about my situation again. Today is February 11, 2024. It will be 3 years since I had the surgery on May 19th and I am still limp and my leg is crooked. Those who have no pain like me should not believe the hopeful words of the doctor and have the surgery😥😭😭

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