проф. Мевлют Озгюр ТАШКАПЫЛЫОГЛУ

Турция, Бурса, Клиника MEDICABIL
НЕВРОЛОГИЯ И НЕЙРОХИРУРГИЯ, Нейрохирург, специалист в области хирургии головного мозга
лет опыта
10 000+
успешных операций
научных публикаций
Министерство здравоохранения Турецкой Республики

Проф. Мевлют Озгюр Ташкапылыоглу — признанный эксперт в области нейрохирургии с более чем 25-летним опытом. Он специализируется на сложных операциях на позвоночнике и головном мозге, успешно проведя более 10 000 процедур. Автор свыше 100 научных публикаций, профессор активно внедряет инновации и делится своим опытом на международных конференциях.

проф. Мевлют Озгюр ТАШКАПЫЛЫОГЛУ

Образование и опыт работы

  • Университет 19 Мая Медицинская школа, Самсун 1992-1998
  • Резиденция: Университет Улудаг медицинская школа, Бурса 2000-2006
  • Командировка: Инегольская Государственная больница, Бурса 2007-2009
  • Гумющсую Военный госпиталь, звание Лейтенанта, Стамбул 2009-2010
  • Звание Профессора нейрохирургии в Медицинской школе университета Улудаг, Бурса 2010
  • Частная клиника Медикабиль, г. Бурса 2022


  • Турецкая сообщество нейрохирургии
  • Турецкая медицинская ассоциация

Медицинская специализация

  • Восстановление аневризмы головного мозга
  • Опухоль головного мозга
  • Хирургия позвоночника
  • Хирургия эпилепсии
  • Черепно-мозговая грыжа
  • Гидроцефалия
  • Краниосиностоз (искривление головы)
  • Врожденные аномалии позвоночника

Пациенты о докторе

Yasemin Pehlivan
Yasemin Pehlivan
My son was diagnosed with congenital scaphocephaly, that is, a head shape disorder, narrow and long head. 3 months ago, we went to my very valuable teacher Özgür, with great anxiety, he made us feel very comfortable with both the way he welcomed us and the way he addressed us, and today, I am writing from the hospital on the 2nd day of our surgery, October 13, everything. In addition to his very successful surgery, he is an excellent person with his modest personality and moderate attitude. He is a blessing not only for Bursa but for Türkiye. May God grant you and doctors like you health and strength. Thank you for everything.
I'm glad my Lord brought you before us. He acted like a brother, not like a doctor, and listened to me patiently after my surgery. I have never come across such a Dr. He is an excellent person.
It was 9 years ago, I can say that having a Dr on duty in the emergency room of Uludağ University was the greatest blessing in our lives. My daughter had a brain hemorrhage, in a situation that no one even thought possible, Mr. Özgür took the risk of performing the surgery and said, "I want to try it." Even the Chief Physician, while many Drs were saying wait and die, his hope became hope for us and my daughter is a miracle. He survived that operation as a child and is now very healthy and Özgür Bey has a special place in our lives. May God bless him and make his life fruitful and increase the number of valuable doctors like him.
On June 21, we took my sister to the doctor with the complaint of severe back pain. He is a very kind person, and with the poor facilities of the Medicabil Hospital where he was located, he told us that his herniated disc was in a bad condition, but he did not recommend surgery. Of course, we were very happy. We were very pleased when we joined the kindness of Dr. Bey in this joy. He prescribed a painkiller. Five days later, he sent me an e-mail and said, "Give me feedback and if the medicine doesn't work, I can change it." We were very happy, it's nice to have patient follow-up, too. But today On July 31, we still could not reach the doctor. We called the hospital several times, but no one was interested. Nobody calls, saying they will give information. In the end, all we got from the examination was a 10-minute polite conversation and a pain reliever. We do not know whether the communication problem is related to the hospital or the doctor. We are now looking for a new specialist. we started.
mahmut şevket
mahmut şevket
He operated on me in 2017. I had a brain hemorrhage in a traffic accident. He woke up late at night and saved my life. My knowledge of mathematics, which I did not have before, is now an expert in mathematics. Somehow, God bless you a thousand times.

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